“People Motivate Me”-an Interview with Natural Fitness Radio

Instead of seeking to inspire the masses with ones looks seek to inspire one person with your all. – Andrew Kurzawski, M.Div.

I had the great fortune to sit down with Andrew Kurzawski, the founder of Natural Fitness Radio, for a business lunch several weeks ago, and we discovered a mutual love for promoting wellness and balance amongst our peers. Over the next couple of weeks, we continued to wax and wane about health, wellness, fitness, and mental toughness. The more that I learned about Andrew and his passion for balanced living, the more I knew that I needed to introduce him to The Pittsburgh Girls.

Here’s a glimpse into our dialogue:

PG: Andrew, I’m fascinated with your vision. Tell me about the birth of Natural Fitness Radio.
NFR: Well thanks for having me Holly Joy. I guess in order to understand NFR it is important to know a little about my background. I am a recent graduate of St. Vincent Seminary with a Masters of Divinity Degree. I currently work as a lay Catholic minister, teacher and high school basketball coach. In working in these areas I have the opportunity to meet a lot of great people searching for God, searching for meaning, searching for love, family and health in their own lives as we all are. I really wanted to come up with some type of ministry I could do on the Internet (a place everyone is connected to) which would teach and encourage true balance in how we live our lives. Our website, which will be up and running soon, features articles, podcasts and health/faith tips for everyone. We have been building a following on facebook/twitter as well where we try to post both inspirational and challenging sayings, quotes and tips (on the 3 areas of balance – faith, family and fitness). We also hope to eventually put on some various clinics/camps for families and individuals interested in our ministry. I chose the name Natural Fitness Radio because the word Natural to me means (Of God) and Fitness (Balanced and Realistic Health). Since podcasts are a part of our ministry and I feel that we learn the most when we are silent and listen to others “radio” seemed to connect the two.

PG: What’s your philosophy on health, wellness, and the integration of faith?
NFR:  Balance is at the focal point of our philosophy and ministry. In my opinion balance is best achieved through faith, family and fitness and living these three aspects harmoniously. I think we get into trouble when we start engaging in one area more than the other. When we are on the journey towards a healthy lifestyle knowing the importance of prayer/meditation (finding God and the Spirit within) and family support makes all the difference. I know (balance) is easier said than done but I think talking about it is a great first step. It is amazing how much a person can flourish when we are truly in tune with God, with our families and with our health. It allows us to have a happier outlook on life, to be able to deal with life’s ups and downs and to know that we can overcome obstacles with a support system greater than ourselves.

PG: It sounds like you have a little experience in this. Tell me about a time when you overcame a challenge in health & wellness.
NFR: When I first started brainstorming this ministry I was working with a lot of folks who were involved in fitness/health as trainers and athletes but lacked the faith and family aspects. It was really hard to see people who on the outside looked great but on the inside were very broken, hurt and confused. I noticed the health/fitness “industry” is not always that balanced when it comes to actual health. It stresses looks (body appearance) but looks past the needs of people (spiritual, mental health). It is my hope and prayer that NFR and the people we work with will be able to make some strides in areas where people are in need of more than just a healthy diet and some exercise. We hope to help people find true balance which for us is the definition of being healthy.

PG: Andrew, I can really relate to that mission. Sometimes we get so caught up in those exterior, measurable goals, that we lose sight of the process of transformation, and the discipline of motivation. I know that it’s been an amazing experience for me. But it’s been a struggle at times too. Especially when I’ve lost weight and people have noticed….it’s hard to refocus that energy into wellness, not weight loss. That being said, motivation is important. I enjoyed a sneak peek at your website…it’s clear that NFR motivates a lot of people. I’m curious…what motivates you?

NFR: You know, people motivate me. People who are out there standing up for morals, values and the most vulnerable in society are people I admire. I am a big fan of Glenn Beck. I feel he is someone who is truly using his voice, his faith and his gifts to both educate and touch the lives of other people in a positive way (whether people agree with his politics or not they cannot deny his wanting ness to do the right thing and help others). I would also say I am motivated to try to make God, family and friends proud of the person I am trying to be. We all make mistakes, fall down and fail. But truly our character and what we are made of is found in how many times we get up and what we learn from the experience, a lesson my parents taught me at a young age, is a philosophy I try to live by.

PG: Right on, Andrew. The main screen of my cell phone says, “Fall down seven times. Stand up eight.” Someone saw that our the other night and was baffled by that! I think a lot of people have a fear of falling down. Not me. I have a fear of not wanting to get back up.

Ok, back to Natural Fitness Radio, Who else is involved? How’d that come to be?
NFR:  I have been pretty fortunate to work with some great people on this project, both men and women but I want to focus on the ladies for this interview since this website is for the Pittsburgh Girls. First, two dieticians who are very good friends: Denise Konrad and also Claire Muszalski (clairetherd.com). Having their insight and expertise in regards to healthy eating is a tremendous blessing. I have also worked with some great Christian personal trainers who I have met through social media and who have become good friends including: Leslie Biernat – a mom, registered nurse and cancer survivor. Her book “Faithful Journey: Memoirs of a breast cancer survivor” I highly recommend). Debbie Gray who runs Figure By Faith (Debbie is also a mom, has a BS in Exercise Physiology and competed in pageants. She has taken her experiences and now works with children through sports and Christian ministries teaching love of God, Family and self). Danielle Tolbert (also an amazing mom who runs a fitness business called “DaniGetUrGunz” – very motivational health tips for people of all ages and families). Valerie Waugaman-Gal has been helpful as well. She is a person who was heavily involved in the secular fitness/health industry as a model/competitive fitness competitor and television personality on NBC’s American Gladiators. Valerie has been very helpful teaching me a lot of the “goods” but also a lot of the “bads” in the fitness world by openly sharing her own story, which I feel takes a lot of courage. She now has dedicated her life to working with children in schools teaching a healthy lifestyle and outlook on life, body image and faith. I also want to encourage people to check out Angie Gooding who I spoke with a few times (she works with women teaching them to accept and love their God given bodies. It is a cool endeavor she does). Finally, I want to thank Amanda Burton who is a massage therapist, my own mother who is a registered nurse and health expert and also Mary Valenti who is a wonderful trainer and Christian friend.

On the spiritual front I have had some great aids on this project including many priests and ministers in Pittsburgh who have been a tremendous blessing. I am also hoping to get some more men involved in the ministry particularly in the fitness and family areas of the endeavor so if anyone has suggestions of good male role models please contact us. We have found women are a lot more open discussing their faith but in the right circumstances and environments men are just as eager to share and learn.

PG: Andrew, what else do you want to share with The Pittsburgh Girls community?NFRsLogo2
NFR: I would really encourage folks to look us up on facebook (facebook.com/naturalfitnessradio) and bookmark our website: naturalfitnessradio.com. There is a lot of great info and advice from a variety of wholesome angles. We focus a lot on body image and speaking out against objectification or dehumanization of the person. I feel having people with us who used to be involved in the fitness modeling world provides us a strong voice because they are speaking from their own heart about their past and how others can take another road. We really want people to find health internally and not over obsess about our external appearance as society teaches us we should do.

I want to thank you Holly Joy for the opportunity to be interviewed about my ministry and I am looking forward to working with you and the amazing ladies and families who make up the Pittsburgh Girls. You all have my prayers and please pray for me and the people working on Natural Fitness Radio.

Thanks Andrew!  I’m looking forward to seeing more great things from Natural Fitness Radio!

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